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Killing your darlings

Research in the domain of human powered energy has made let to te conclusion that making this technology cheaper influenced the efficiency greatly (meaning cycling for a long time, while getting back relatively a small amount of energy). Although the project has been 'her darling' for a while, Deborah has decided to still kill it and open up her view to other way of input to mechanical energy generation.

November was the month of exploring other alternatives, mainly in the 'heat department'. So looking at the possibilities that Stirling motors and Steam machines yield. Especially the last was interesting to her and her prototype, which is constantly developing under the circumstances, works with heat as the main energy source. Application methods are varied (from using it outside through the use of a solar collector or inside while cooking, which often takes long due to the use of one cooking pit only). The prototype has mainly a functional role and helps her and the interpreter explain to the participants how it all works and how it could be used in the future.

After being in Tanzania for a week and having held the first couple of interviews and done the first in home observations with the target group in Arusha Sinoni (4 km from the city center) she can say that people are interested and would like to know more regarding specific technicalities.

Seems like it's time to make a new prototype with which this can get tested technically and reported to the people. A step in the right direction, but also a realisation that there is a lot of works that will have to be done in the coming 1,5 months up to the start of February.


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